- The internet creates a unity, a collaboration
-Goes beyond the people in our life and allows us to connect with an incredibly wide spectrum of people spanning the world.
- Kony is an example of how something can go viral through networking
- unlimited access to information, input and opinions are available.
-Build off resources, create a question that can continually be dissected, better understood and analyzed by open- minded individuals.
-We can't learn in an unstructured, free-learning environment because we have only been taught to learn in the way that the school system has hammered into our minds:
-To do enough to receive the A, be submissive to authority, don't question teachers or curriculum.
"how passionate could Marvin be?" (Marvin vacuum cleaners) how can we do what we love and love what we do?
-How do we find that sense of self-betterment and motivation to take us to places of accomplishment or prosperity?
-creative geniuses thrived in often unstructured societies where their own passion and thirst for knowledge or discovery led them to great achievements.
-Some of the greatest figures in history were unsatisfied with their world, and changed it.
- Often those who refuse to conform are the ones with real genius, example musicians.
-Our country was founded on rebellion.
- How can we break free of the mental perimeters that have become second nature in us at school in order to allows ourselves to learn in a free-flowing, unstructured manner that will benefit us in the long run?
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